L'Oréal Dermatological Beauty Pro is a digital community empowering healthcare professionals to improve their daily practice of dermatology through cutting-edge research, science and education on skin and hair care.
SScalp MicrobiomeSeborrheic DermatitisSensitive SkinSkin AgeingSkin & MaternitySkin & OncologySkin & PollutionSkin BarrierSkin LesionsSkin MicrobiomeSkin of Color
Discover scientific content related to skin and hair care through different formats - articles, videos, expert interviews, publications, clinical studies, etc...Become a member
We empower each and everyone with the most advances skincare management. Our brands offer a range of skincare and haircare products to respond to all expectations linked to beauty and skin health. From skin pathologies and aesthetic concerns and from the most accessible ranges to the most premium ones.Become a member
Explore the forefront of acne management with La Roche-Posay, our groundbreaking independent acne consensus initiative unveils harmonized skincare approaches, redefining acne care for unparalleled skin health.
Dive into the scientific bedrock of our acne solutions. Our informative poster offers a clear, visual understanding of skincare role in acne management.
Gain valuable perspectives from Dr. Dreno's testimony. Her insights shed light on the rigorous study and development behind our acne care recommendation, emphasizing their scientific validity and effectiveness.
Download our detailed leaflets for an in-depth understanding of acne care. Discover how Effaclar range fulfills all the expert consensus recommendations.
Stay tuned for this upcoming section where we localize our consensus to various countries and zones. Relevant local specificities have been taken into account to adapt it to Healthcare Professionals' practice.