2-MNG (2-MercaptoNicotinoyl Glycine) prevents UV-induced skin darkening and delayed tanning

R. de Dormael, P. Sextius, N. Bourokba, E. Mainguene, R. Tachon, G. Kumar, H. Jouni, P. Bastien, S. Diridollou

  • 10min
  • Jul. 2023
  • Supported by
  • SkinAlliance



Non-extreme chronic sun exposure induces skin pigmentation via two distinct mechanisms: an immediate darkening resulting from the oxidation of pre-existing melanin or its precursors; followed by a delayed tanning resulting from a new synthesis of melanin. 2-mercaptonicotinoyl glycine (2-MNG) has been revealed in vitro as a new molecule, offering high potential for the management of pigmentation1. Its effectiveness was explained by its ability to form adducts with certain precursors of melanin2.

Melanin precursors being involved in both immediate darkening and delayed tanning, we verified in vivo the efficacy of 2-MNG to prevent these two mechanisms following UV exposure.