Optimizing outcomes and preventing complications of non-surgical and surgical procedures with supportive skin care

J.-M. Amici, MD ; O. Cogrel, MD ; M. Jourdan, MD ; C. Raimbault, MD ; L. Canchy, PhD ; D.C. Madfes, MD ; Y. Tian, MD ; E. Araviiskaia, MD, PhD ; D. Kerob, MD

  • 10min
  • Jul. 2023
  • Supported by
  • La Roche-Posay



Awareness of potential risks and side effects of non-surgical and surgical procedures (e.g., infection, hypopigmentation, hyperpigmentation, and scarring) of dermatologic procedures, and proper use of preventive measures, will help reduce their incidence and optimize their management should they occur.
Supportive skin care management can help protect the skin barrier, control inflammation, and enhance natural healing[1] to optimize final outcomes and thus influence patient satisfaction.

To provide expert recommendations to optimize outcomes and prevent complications of non-surgical and surgical procedures with practical tips on supportive skin care.