Sphingomonas xenophaga from La Roche-Posay thermal spring water is a new cosmetical ingredient to tackle cutaneous vascular disorders involved in rosacea

D. Kerob, C. Ballihaut, C.Dufour-Schroif, M. Donovan, C. Cornillon, A. Veriato, J.J. Schoonjans, P. Hilaire

  • 10min
  • Oct. 2023
  • Supported by
  • La Roche-Posay
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We isolated and fully characterized a flagellated bacterial strain of Sphingomonas xenophaga from the endogenous flora component of La Roche-Posay spring water. We then developed an industrial fermentation process that guarantees the production of a robust, reproducible biomass from this Sphingomonas strain in order to evaluate the biological impact of the Sphingomonas extract on vascular skin parameters in vitro and in vivo. We focused on the kallikrein activity and the potential effect on vascular disorders to alleviate rosacea symptoms.