Sun exposure and associated risks:
Insight from an international survey with a focus on the organ transplant recipient population

B. Dréno, T. Passeron, S. Puig, CL. Goh, HW. Lim, F. Ly, B. Dréno, T. Passeron, S. Puig, CL. Goh, HW. Lim, F. Ly, HY Kang, A. Morita, J. Ocampo Candiani, S. Schalka, L. Wei1, C. Le Floc’h, AL. Demessant1, D. Kerob, J. Krutmann

  • 10min
  • Oct. 2023
  • Supported by
  • La Roche-Posay
EADV Image


Primary and secondary prevention of skin cancer vary considerably from one country to another.

This survey investigates knowledge and behaviors regarding sun exposure among population who have been treated with immunosuppressive anti-graft rejection drugs because of an organ transplantation in 17 countries.