L'Oréal Dermatological Beauty Pro is a digital community empowering healthcare professionals to improve their daily practice of dermatology through cutting-edge research, science and education on skin and hair care.
Dr María Eugenia Cappetta
Dermatologist, Head of Hair & Scalp Disorders subsection at Buenos Aires Skin Dermatologic Center, Argentina
Indian J Dermatol. 2015 Sep-Oct; 60(5): 519. Clinical Characteristics and Quality of Life of Seborrheic Dermatitis Patients in a Tropical Country. Manapajon Araya, Kanokvalai Kulthanan, and Sukhum Jiamton
Mycoses 2009 Jul;52(4):357-63 Quality of life in patients suffering from seborrheic dermatitis: influence of age, gender and education level Jacek C. Szepietowski, Adam Reich, Ewa Wesołowska-Szepietowska and Eugeniusz Baran
Effects of different types of scaly scalp diseases on patients' quality of life B Liu et al. Zhonghua Yi Xue Za Zhi. 2022.
J Cosmet Dermatol 2009 Jun;8(2):108-13A lipohydroxyacid-containing shampoo improves scalp condition and quality of life in patients with seborrheic dermatitis and light-to-moderate scalp psoriasis S Seite´ J Paries, P Reygagne, Hamidou, C Jouanique, G Perez-Pala & A Rougier