L'Oréal Dermatological Beauty Pro is a community full of continuing medical education, patient resources, medical events, and more that support and empower healthcare professionals in their daily practice of dermatology.
SScalp MicrobiomeSeborrheic DermatitisSensitive SkinSkin AgingSkin & OncologySkin & PollutionSkin BarrierSkin LesionsSkin MicrobiomeSkin of Color
XXerosis (dry Skin)
Explore scientific content related to specific areas of expertise within skin and hair care - expert interviews, videos, clinical studies, and more!
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Patient and professional references like patient leaflets, ingredient glossaries, illustrations of cancer-related dermatological conditions, and more.
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Rooted in dermatology, our mission is to help professionals and patients alike in their quest for healthy and beautiful skin. Our brands and products cater to a wide range of skincare and haircare needs and are distributed in healthcare outlets worldwide, including pharmacies, medi-spas, and e-retailers.
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